1 zucchini
2 red peppers (medium size)
1/2 sweet potato
3 carrots (medium size)
1 onion
spices (garlic, pepper, avoid salt if possible)
Optional: brush with a little oil beforehand
450 gr salmon
spices: dill, garlic, pepper
Cut all the vegetables into finger-sized pieces (for the baby/toddler to handle), mix them with spices, and put them in the oven at 200 degrees C for 30 minutes or until they are soft.
The salmon was placed on aluminum foil and placed in the air fryer in the fish program at 200 degrees C for 20 minutes. It can be done in the oven, but for a longer time, for example, 30 minutes or until a crust is obtained.
It’s an easy meal and you have plenty of time to play with your baby until the food is ready.
Good appetite!
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